1 September 2023
Full-time all-round web development. Working with continuous deployment in a truly Agile/Scrum environment. Creating websites, API's, web- and mobile applications. More details can be found at enrise.com.
I'm back! Read more about why I've returned.
1 September 2022 till 31 August 2023
Lab Digital is a project company that works on enterprise commerce platforms. Using a MACH technology stack they quickly setup new environments with a world wide premium shopping experience.
Personally, I was really missing the self-steering characteristics. Working under a manager, and lacking the agility that I desire to have full creative freedom in my work, I decided not to extend my contract.
4 April 2022 till 31 August 2022
I decided it is time to check out what else there could be for me. I found an interesting career opptertunity at KVK (the chamber of commerce). Even though it's a very different organisation, I decided to give it a shot as senior frontend developer.
I've pushed for code quality improvements, helped the team to improve their skills and finished a nice product in the new sales funnel.
Unfortunately, due to a lack of pace and change I felt understimulated and desiring a more open and dynamic environment. So after only a couple of months I started searching for something else.
18 March 2022
After 8 great years at Enrise, I'm moving along to a new opportunity. I've grown and learned more than I could ever imagine. I couldn't leave Enrise empty handed, so I've left them with a little present. I'll truly miss you Enrise!
26 February 2020
Since working at Enrise is still a great passion, and especially with the direction to become a fully self steering company, I've participated in a new Enrise video.
10 February 2019
I'm working at Enrise for 5 years now. It might seem like a long time, but I've learned, and still am learning a lot! When I joined 5 years ago I was a Junior developer. I did have quite some experience but Enrise opened my eyes to the open source world. Instead of building everything on my own, I dove in the world of composing high quality enterprise applications.
Nowadays I can be considered a senior developer. Front-end, back-end, DevOps. Basically going from idea to production. But that wasn't possible without all the smart people around me at Enrise. Thanks!
3 October 2017
For CodeCuisine®Live, an event from Enrise, I gave a (Dutch) presentation about working with Continuous Deployment and Review Applications together with Stefan van Essen. It will show how an enterprise application can be brought to production a lot quicker, without giving in on testability.
12 April 2016
January 2016 was the second time I attended PHPBenelux, and it once again became more obvious how the community is a huge part of the flexible language, PHP. Next to the newest and coolest tools, tricks and frameworks, personal development was a huge topic on the conferences I’ve attended. In the blog post I’ve written about the leanings I took from those sessions and what information I gathered over the years.
10 February 2014 till 22 February 2025
Full-time all-round web development. Working with continuous integration in a truly Agile/Scrum environment. Creating websites, API's, web- and mobile applications. More details can be found at enrise.com.
20 January 2014
I finished my course 'HBO Informatica' on the University of Utrecht. I am now a bachelor of IT.
I passed with merit (meaning my average and final grade was an 8 out of 10). I finished the course in 3 years instead of the regular 4 years.
1 September 2013 till 14 February 2014
For my education 'HBO Informatica' I've had to do a graduation internship. For my paper and internship I've worked on Eagerly's narrow-casting system. I did research on what planning tool should be most efficient to use and I basically rebuild their narrow-casting product. In Eagerly I will be remembered as 'RedBull Rick'.
I've had a successful internship and I graduated with an 8 (out of 10) as grade for the internship and paper.
1 June 2012
Since June 2012 I registered my own company. I work here on some small projects beside my study and job, to spend my free time as efficient als possible! At this moment I'm working on some personal projects, not really doing any external work anymore.
1 February 2011 till 1 June 2012
Being the go-to-guy in the company when it came to development questions, my job title changed to "lead developer". With this title I've taken more responsibility in the projects that were running, and I worked on the development process together with setting up a centralised content management system.
8 February 2010
Finally a study that interested me, 'MBO application development (level 4)'. As I did what I do best, I managed to complete the study in two and a half year, instead of the regular four years.
After this study, I directly continued in the second half year of 'HBO Informatica', a follow-up bachelor study.
5 June 2009 till 14 February 2011
I started working at DragonMediaGroup as an internship. After a half year of working on my web development skills I kept working at Dragon Media Group next to my study and in vacations.
5 January 2009 till 14 June 2009
In the first year of my MBO study, I had to go one day of the week to a place where I could practice IT. I found a primary school near to my house where I went every thursday to mostly manage the schools computers and its network. A lot of people were greatful for my work at the primary school.
28 June 2007 till 16 May 2009
Every day (except for sunday) I walked a paper round for about an hour. I did this next to my high school and I did it the first few months of my MBO study.
10 July 2004 till 12 June 2008
Junior general secondary education, aka high-school VMBO't (now called MAVO again). With my lack of interest for the default courses, I started to learn programming. I easily passed my exams. Now I was finally able to start a study that I was actually interested in.
After high-school I continued with a MBO IT study.
1 August 1996 till 1 July 2004
In primary school I was very creative. No big plans for the future yet. The final primary school test (CITO) advised me to go to the Senior general secondary education/pre-university education.
8 November 1991